Our beautiful son Owen was born on August 26, 2011. He shares his birthday with his dad and his heart of both of us.

Unfortunately, on November 13th 2011 he suffered from a pediatric stroke that caused brain damage to his right
frontal lobe. After the stroke we were told that Owen may not be able to walk and would likely lose the majority of movement in his left arm and hand. Owen was working hard to prove them wrong. Attending physical and occupational therapy, Owen began using his hand to show the doctors that he is too stubborn to listen to them.

On January 27th, 2011… Owen went in for a EEG to see how he was progressing since being taken off one of the many dications he is on. During that time we found that Owen was having infantile spasms. Infantile spasms are an extremely dangerous kind of epilepsy that is often linked with developmental issues. Owen now has the tough job of going through a diet and steroid regiment in addition to all of the other work he was already doing. We are confident that Owen will once again beat the odds and show us how tough he his!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Halloween

Well Hello everyone-

Wow, I feel like it’s been so long since we have written, we have noticed a lot of people are calling and wondering how we are doing. Well it’s been a crazy last couple of months. We have been keeping our heads down and working hard to get Owen through physical and occupational therapy schedules, along with working and figuring out where we need to be.

It’s been crazy. We are happy to report that the seizures although still there are much less than before. We went from hundreds a day to one a week. We have gotten rid of a drug that we started almost a year ago this month. Wow, I can’t believe that it’s only been a year; we have made so much progress in the last year and even in the last months. Owen has been showing his true character.

We ditched the NG feeding tube about 2 weeks after we got home. We then started focusing all our attention on eating food, that’s where we have been for a while now. It’s been pretty fun and hard all at the same time. But we were told to have fun with food, so we went outside and enjoyed a food fight. We then proceed to eating with a pacifier, which worked well. And just recently we have gotten Owen to eat without the pacifier.

Physically Owen has shown a ton of progress, been really interesting in being on his tummy, and is starting to show interest in crawling. Physical therapy is so excited about this to be honest so are mom and dad. It’s awesome to see. It’s great progress! It’s nice to see after everything. He continues to learn and talk a little, mostly baby word but there are times the words are clear. The other day PT asked Owen if he wanted to roll over and Owen said “no” it was really cute.

Well, I don’t know anything else, it been pretty quiet but busy. We really want to thank you for all your support over the last year. We are truly blessed to have to you have a part of our lives. You all have been so supportive and we can’t thank you enough.

Happy Halloween:
Val, Mike, & Owen

1 comment:

  1. That is sooo great to hear! I would love to stop by some time. I'll give you all a call soon. Love you guys!
